
Apps similar to flipboard
Apps similar to flipboard

The flip is the modern day equivalent of the printed page and it creates beautiful, full screen layouts that make Flipboard a joy to flip through. For you the answer may be obvious: one simple gesture moves you easily to a whole new screen full of content. People occasionally ask us why Flipboard flips rather than scrolls.

apps similar to flipboard

In the coming days, you will see a message pop up inside your Flipboard app (or you may have seen it already) that asks you to try out a beta with a new design. We’d like you to try a new way to experience Flipboard that we have been experimenting with. We’ll get into what he said about what’s going on here in a second, but first, it’s probably worth sharing the text of an email Flipboard has been sending out to alert users to this beta design being tested: Flipboard CEO Mike McCue assured BGR in a phone interview that the “flip” is not going away - that it’s a signature element of the app, and plenty of people still love it. That’s a pretty big change to test (and it’s very much a test, not a sign of a set-in-stone change to come) and it also happens to coincide with this year being the 10th anniversary of the app’s launch. The design mechanic you’re provided with instead is the all-too-familiar vertical scroll, which allows you to just keep flicking your finger upwards and making your way down through all your content. I’m running Flipboard on iOS, and if you go into the app’s settings menu, right there at the very top you should see an on/off toggle labeled “New Flipboard Design.” Turn that on, and voila - the “flip” design instantly goes away. A change that has to do with that first syllable in the app’s name.

apps similar to flipboard

In fact, while Apple News continues to struggle to find its footing, Flipboard is currently testing the biggest change it’s ever made in the app’s 10-year history.

Apps similar to flipboard